Mindset, Investing Andrea Foley Mindset, Investing Andrea Foley

Episode 11: Kids Teach “How to Invest” for Kids

Westyn's Wicks is about a cool girl who began making and selling candles to make some extra money to earn an iPad. She kept using the money she made to make more candles. That helped her pay back the money she borrowed from her mom and still have some left. She worked hard until she had sold all her candles and hit her goal. It shows that if you have a good plan and know what you want to sell, investing your money can help you achieve big things!

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Mindset Andrea Foley Mindset Andrea Foley

Episode TEN: Learning from an Acorn

Imagine yourself as a strong oak tree in your own life! Acorns are tiny seeds that can grow into big oak trees and need good things to grow. They need soil, water, and sunlight. If an acorn doesn't get these things, it stays small and can't become a big oak tree.

Think of "potential" like this: when you look at a small acorn, it has the hidden power to become something amazing. But, it can only happen if it's in the right place with everything it needs.

So, just like acorns, we also need the right things to grow and be our best. Let's explore and learn together!

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Mindset Andrea Foley Mindset Andrea Foley

Episode Nine: Ownership

Listen to this podcast to learn about how to create Universe Juice...both a real drink and another term for manifestation. How did the Foley kids do explaining the Law of Attraction?

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Mindset Andrea Foley Mindset Andrea Foley

Episode Eight: Universe Juice

Listen to this podcast to learn about how to create Universe Juice...both a real drink and another term for manifestation. How did the Foley kids do explaining the Law of Attraction?

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Andrea Foley Andrea Foley

Episode Five: Failure

Discover practical strategies to overcome the fear of failure and embrace adversity. Start living a life filled with possibilities and fulfillment.

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Episode One: Raise Millionaires

World Premier Episode!

How can kids as young as 7 start their investing journey?

Starting a lemonade stand can be a fun and profitable way for kids to learn about investing. Kids can use their creativity and entrepreneurial skills to make it stand out. They also learn the importance of managing expenses, setting prices, and calculating profits. Overall, a lemonade stands or other craft making ventures can provide a fun and educational introduction to the world of investing for kids.

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