Episode Three: Gratitude

In today's episode, we are sharing with you multiple things. We're sharing our dinner-time routine, which is all about gratitude and getting to know a little bit about these kids. 

Key Takeaways:

  1. Reflection on adversity fosters growth and resilience: By openly discussing the challenges encountered throughout the day, family members have the opportunity to reflect on what happened and learn from those experiences. This practice instills a growth mindset, teaching everyone to view setbacks as opportunities for personal growth. By embracing adversity, families can cultivate resilience, problem-solving skills, and a positive outlook on future challenges.

  2. Anticipation of tomorrow cultivates optimism and gratitude: By discussing what each family member is excited about for tomorrow, they cultivate optimism and gratitude. This practice encourages everyone to focus on the positive aspects of their lives, fostering a sense of anticipation and joy. By instilling an attitude of gratitude for future experiences, families create an environment that values the present moment while nurturing a hopeful perspective for what lies ahead.


Episode Four: Scarcity


Episode Two: SISS™ Budget System